Saturday, April 17, 2010

some thoughts on the way - Jillian

-when you come to a hill - don´t look up because it just seems too far
- however sometimes it is good to look back - the view can be amazing and you can see how far you´ve been ....
- make sure you check where you are going to sit down - stinging nettle can really hurt - ouch
- say goodbye to your friends as if it is the last time you see them - because it just might be - today we had rain lots of it so after walking 23 km Blair and I made a decision to stay in Belorado, we had left early to get ahead of the 'group'- the 'family' we call them as generally I can be much slower but today we did not see any of them all day - so we will not be with our brazilian girls tonight the first since we started out.
Blair is getting more kisses from other women than me..... and me from other men....
The dogs here surely must get sore throats - they bark us in to each village and bark us out
best advice so far - take a tinto vino for each leg
every meal comes with pan (bread) and tinto vino (red wine)
that you can buy a syringe and needle over the farmacia counter (for the blister)- as well as get beer and wine out of a vending machine!! shopping is easier with someone who speaks spanish as most of the spanish people do not speak english - still pointing and miming works.....
some days I cannot even remember my english words let alone the spanish ones....
there is tagging and litter in spain..... it just seems worse when the bridge is hundreds of years old....
pleasant surprises - jeremy, DJ and Dean turned up at same alburgeue today - phew he is not lost in spain
the most tender moment so far was yesterday when D.J from Korea our adopted number 5 son held my hand as we walked up the hill singing a song in Korean it was so beautiful that it made Blair cry....
best saying so far - when I made an observation to Anna from Barcelona that the older woman all looked very similar -she said that we start off as full ripe round grapes but end up looking like sol-tarnas (sultanas) her accent was beautiful.....
we met a lovely entrepenauer (Ana from Madrid) today she has an ice cream stall in the middle of a small village - shame it was so cold - still she had soup in a can that when you shook it became warm.... she also ran a casa rural - a more upmarket place to stay for pilgrims....
the recession has hit spain hard - walked through a whole town of new houses - not one person lives there but there is a wonderful golf course....also saw our first robbery yesterday - some lads who looked like they should have been in school ran off with some stuff from the 1 Euro shop
that not all people like pilgrims -I  have been hissed at, spat at and and grimaced at
there are no public toilets in spain it seems - you are right Rae I should have bought the shewee...
don´t follow other pilgrims - they might not be on the right path - always look for the yellow arrows.... also there is always someone in front of you and also someone behind you
that I miss my family -especially the grandchildren - the little girls here, when we do see them look like dear little Giana and Leila I just want to go up and hug and kiss them


  1. Wow first post I've read... didn't know where to find your blog.

    It's like you are in some fantastical story based in another place and time. Walking up a hill as some guy from Korea sings to you while holding your hand. Some of these things you talk about would probably only happen when you do a gruelling all day walk. Maybe exhaustion frees people up like tinto vino does. Your on your real life magical journey, Lord of the Rings style.

    Keep your feet steady on the ground.
    Love Nick

  2. What Nick said ! It's like you are walking a fairytale world (Alice in Wonderland or something similar)
    Aww the girls miss you too. Giana cried this morning when she asked how much longer you were gone and I said "still 6 weeks", she couldnt grasp that you've only been gone for 2 ! "Its just too long" she kept saying. On the flip side, the week you come back is going ot be absolutely manic.
    I am definately looking foward to Noni and Papa coming home XOX

  3. Hi Guys, We have been tracking you on the map, found Belorado so I guess you are now passed Burgos. Mark & Hazel
